Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

Discover how to unlock your true potential with Beyond Barriers Coaching.

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Collage of Darryl Langeness smiling, swimming with sharks, and driving a race car, representing his diverse experiences.

Darryl Langeness Jr.

Founder & CEO of Beyond Barriers Coaching

Darryl has transformed his deepest personal struggles into a mission to empower others. Overcoming addiction, surviving bullying, enduring eight surgeries, and coping with the loss of ten family members in a decade, Darryl has equipped himself with profound insights into overcoming adversity.

As a best-selling author and Elite Neuroencoding Specialist with certifications from the Neuroencoding Institute and Robbins-Madanes in Strategic Intervention, Darryl guides individuals at a crossroads. He specializes in helping those committed to significant change, providing strategic guidance to navigate personal and professional transformation.

Living in Sterling Heights, MI, Darryl cherishes life’s simpler pleasures with his family. An avid golfer and sports enthusiast, he finds joy in the discipline of golf and the excitement of baseball. Beyond sports, Darryl is a community-oriented coffee aficionado, engaging with locals and continually learning from the world around him. His pursuit of the perfect brew mirrors his broader approach to life—always curious, ever-engaging, and continually evolving.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • Are you smart, driven, and in control of your life but for some reason, alcohol is a strange exception?
  • Are you able to cut back, or even quit, but always feel deprived and miserable when you do?
  • Do you find yourself drinking out of habit, or out of boredom…? And then regret it later?
  • Are you tired of thinking about alcohol, and while you might not want to be "sober" you are ready for alcohol to be small and irrelevant in your life?
Colorful question marks representing uncertainty and seeking answers, used in the "Does This Sound Like You" section of Beyond Barriers Coaching.

You’re Not Alone, and There’s a Way Out

At Beyond Barriers, we understand your struggles because we’ve been there too. You don’t have to face these challenges alone. Our community is built on the foundation of support, understanding, and transformation.

Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose, confidence, and clarity. Picture yourself surrounded by like-minded individuals who are committed to overcoming their barriers and achieving their goals, just like you.

Our approach is different because we don’t just offer temporary motivation; we provide the tools, strategies, and ongoing support you need to create lasting change. Whether it’s rebuilding your confidence, managing anxiety, or finding fulfillment in your personal and professional life, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Join our movement today and start your journey towards a more confident, empowered, and fulfilled life. Together, we can break free from limitations and build the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Self-Certainty Hacks Guide

Start your journey with our free “Self-Certainty Hacks” guide. This resource provides actionable steps to boost your self-esteem and confidence. Perfect for those who are just beginning their personal development journey.


Group Coaching Programs
  • Reboot Your Brain: A 5-week group coaching program designed to help you reset your mindset and overcome mental barriers. Includes weekly group calls, WhatsApp support, and additional resources to keep you on track. Ideal for those who want to make significant progress quickly.Learn more about Reboot Your Brain Here
  • Program Your Life: Our flagship 12-week group coaching program that includes weekly group calls and three 1:1 coaching sessions. This program provides in-depth support and personalized strategies to transform your life. Ideal for those ready for a deeper commitment to personal growth. Learn more about Program Your Life
1:1 Coaching

Personalized coaching tailored to your unique needs and goals. Available in 3 and 6-month programs, our 1:1 coaching provides direct support and customized strategies to help you achieve lasting transformation. Work closely with Darryl Langeness to identify and overcome obstacles, build confidence, and reach your full potential.

Schedule Your Transformation Call

Annual Mentorship Program

A comprehensive, high-touch coaching program that includes a mix of group and 1:1 sessions, ongoing support, and personalized coaching. Perfect for those seeking long-term, transformational change. Includes access to all other programs and priority support. 

Learn More





Ready to Transform Your Life?

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